18 March 2018

Simple Weather Station (SWS) started as a simplified version of bigger outdoor weather station project.

The goal of this project is to play with different hardware piecies and integration with different platforms and clouds. I’m considering this as a PoC and results will be integrated into bigger outdoor weather station.

Simple Weather Station


SWS is based on Wemos D1 mini Pro connected with Wemos OLED shied V1.1.0. For sensing weather data, I’m using BMP280 with breakout.


I decided to use PlatformIO as a platform for building my project and also for managing dependencies.

Locally, SWS is showing temperature, humidity and pressure on OLED display and also sends same information to Serial port.

I’m also trying different IoT platforms and clouds and now SWS is connected to Blynk and Adafruit.IO.

Sources are available on github.com/xpj/wemos-weather-simple